New Zealand’s Cancer Crossroads

April 2020

Those of us behind The Christchurch Cancer Foundation believe that the only way to advance New Zealand’s cancer care and correct our declining health outcomes is to develop a Comprehensive Cancer Centre in Christchurch.

Such an institution will include scientific leadership in clinical treatment, laboratory and clinical research, training and education. These activities already exist in Christchurch but their benefits are largely unrealised through working in largely disconnected locations, other than through their association with the University of Otago, Christchurch.

Naturally, cancer treatment differs depending on the type of cancer.  At our recent meeting with Sir Murray Brennan of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, when asked how many cancers there are, he answered “There are as many cancers as there are people with cancer”. 

Sir Murray’s response explains why it is so necessary, and advantageous, to have clinicians and research scientists working together in a single complex, where cancers are analysed and treatment strategies developed. 

It is our view that it is unacceptable that cancer patients in New Zealand do not have access to treatment and facilities equal to those existing in Australia and throughout the western world. 

In support of this, the following case for a Comprehensive Cancer Centre in Christchurch has been submitted to the government and to the Canterbury District Health Board.

Our case for a Comprehensive Cancer Centre in Christchurch can be read here:


Cancer survival rate could double if new cancer centre wins funding


The role of research in positive cancer outcomes