Donate to The Christchurch Cancer Foundation


Donate Now

Your donation will help us ensure that Canterbury becomes the best place a person could be if they have cancer.

The Christchurch Cancer Foundation is a registered charity and a receipt for tax purposes will be sent by return email.

Wills & Bequests 

Would you like to leave a gift to The Christchurch Cancer Foundation in your will, or are you beginning to think about it? 

Bequests form part of your will, ensuring that your gift continues to provide for cancer care in our community into the future.  Now is a great time to make plans. 

Your solicitor will be able to advise you on how to make a bequest. To help them with the correct details, a suggested clause for a bequest is: 

I give to The Christchurch Cancer Foundation (registration number CC56558) for its general purposes [INSERT DESCRIPTION OF GIFT eg;  “the sum of $_________” or “____% of the residue of my estate” or “the following property or assets _________________________”   and I direct that a receipt issued by The Christchurch Cancer Foundation will be a sufficient discharge to my trustees for this gift.

Please phone us on 021 790 885 for a confidential chat about how best to make a bequest, and about how your gift will support cancer care in Canterbury.

Regular Giving 

Regular giving donations help us by providing surety for our long term planning. Every regular donation, no matter how big or small, helps.  Small, regular donations quickly add up to significant contributions.  A tax receipt will be sent to you at the end of the financial year.

You can download an Automatic Payment form here or alternatively you can arrange regular payments online through your bank.

Our bank details are:
The Christchurch Cancer Foundation 
Please include your name.

Our Financial Commitment and Pledge

The Christchurch Cancer Foundation was established in 2019 with donations of $2 million from the founders. It is targeting a fund of $25 million by 2030 through donations which will be matched dollar for dollar by the founders up to $1 million per year for 10 years.

Every dollar will be invested indefinitely and begin earning for the benefit of the Christchurch cancer professional community.

The Foundation Trust Deed prohibits spending or provision of grants from other than a percentage of realised income from investments. As a result, the capital will continue to grow, subject only to the performance of its investments.

Our Financial Partners

The Foundation enjoys the support of ANZ Bank, Saunders & Co and Deloitte.