Christchurch will be the best place in New Zealand, and one of the best places in the world, for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

The strategy of The Christchurch Cancer Foundation is simple. We are building an investment fund to support the recruitment of the best people in the field of cancer treatment and research. We will invest in the continuous growth, capability and development of our local community of cancer specialists, by attracting top cancer professionals to Christchurch. 

“The key to effective cancer research is translating laboratory science into the clinical setting; from bench to bedside. Thanks to the cohesive nature of Canterbury’s health system, we are better placed to further develop this, to the benefit of cancer patients, than many areas.”

— Professor Frank Frizelle


Almost half of all New Zealanders will get cancer within their lifetime.

The number of cancer cases in New Zealand is expected to double by 2040 and at the same time, we are facing a growing global shortage of cancer professionals. Providing the education and having the facilities to attract the people our region needs is increasingly important.


Support us

Your donation will help us to attract top cancer clinicians and scientists to Christchurch by supporting their work.

Our Financial Commitment and Pledge

The Christchurch Cancer Foundation was established in 2019 with donations of $2 million from the founders. It is targeting a fund of $25 million by 2030 through donations which will be matched dollar for dollar by the founders up to $1 million per year for 10 years.

Every dollar will be invested indefinitely and begin earning for the benefit of the Christchurch cancer professional community.

The Foundation Trust Deed prohibits spending or provision of grants from other than a percentage of realised income from investments. As a result, the capital will continue to grow, subject only to the performance of its investments.

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